Ordinary Membership
How to join
The admission of Ordinary Members is by Petition, signed by the Petitioner, Proposer, Seconder and two additional Supporters, all of whom know the Petitioner personally.
The Proposer and Seconder should be Ordinary or Honorary Life Members who have been members for a minimum of two years. The additional Supporters should be Ordinary or Honorary Life Members.
The completed Petition and supporting letters/e-mails from the Proposer and Seconder should then be lodged with the General Manager. The Petitioner would meet with the Society Membership Convenor and once the application gains approval from Council the applicant will be added to the Society waiting list, on payment of the registration fee.
If you’re new to the area and don’t know any Ordinary or Honorary Life Members, that doesn’t have to be a problem. Our General Manager will be delighted to arrange an informal, introductory meeting for you with our Membership Convenor who is always happy to connect proposers and supporters with potential new Members.
Useful Links
Application Forms